NCOE Elementary Band/Chorus Spring Concert coming up.......
![Band/Choir concert](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/8008831/large_BandChoir__1_.png)
Good news for next school year at NCOE Schools!
![Free Lunch Notice](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/8007509/large_Free_Lunches_notice.png)
Updated end of year info to know for NCOE Elementary......
![5/1 info to know](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/8007335/large_Info_To_Know5-1.png)
NCOE Jr. High Regional Track Meet info.....
![Track Meet](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/8002316/large_NCOE_Jr._HighTrack.png)
Congratulations to Nolan Prather on signing with SIC today to play golf and further his education!
Free sports physicals....
Students in Mrs. Lane's Home Ec classes participated in Cupcake Wars this week.
Mrs. Baumgart's computer classes were having a fun day coding for robots. It was very impressive to see what the students could have their robots do.
Reminder about the 5th Grade Living Wax Museum today! Everyone is invited!
Please see attached information sheet from the ROE.
Math & Science Club students took a fun trip to Evansville to do an Escape Room today! All teams proved their smarts and successfully escaped!
Happy Administrative Professionals Day, Kayla!! The students and staff at NCOEHS are grateful for everything you do for our school!
The NCOE 5th Grade teachers and students would like to invite you to their Living Wax Museum on Friday, April 26th. See attached flyer for more information!
On Monday, the NCOE Art Department hosted a sidewalk chalk competition at the Grade School. Students from a few other schools came and participated as well. There are so many talented students in our district! Great job everyone!
NCOE March Students of the Month are Avery Black, Alexis Rush, Izzy Dolden, and Molly Rush. Congratulations!
Due to the potential of inclement weather the baseball and softball games for today have been cancelled.
Don't forget Kettle Corn orders are due tomorrow (4/19). See a sophomore if you would like to order.
Spring FFA PSA
![FFA PSA](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/7860750/large_Spring_Safe_Driving_Tips__Farm_Equipment__.jpg)
Big Rummage Sale Band Fundraiser coming soon......
![Band Fundraiser](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/7858120/large_BandFundraiser.png)
NCOE Band Fundraiser Rummage Sale Event
![Band Fundraiser](https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/norris_city-omaha-enfield_cusd_%233_ar/live_feed_image/image/7831455/large_Band_Fundraiser.png)