Mr. Goebel will be having a district-wide parent meeting this Friday, August 16th, for any student in grades 4th-8th who is interested in joining junior high cross country. The meeting will be at 6:00 in the high school cafeteria.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Carter
Booth is thankful for their PTO. They provided refreshments at our Back To School Night last night. The teachers, students, and parents were able to eat together while discussing all of the summer activities.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Carter
Booth PTO
NCOE Back to School Night!
over 5 years ago, David Reavis
NCOE Back to School Night FUN!
The NCOE High School staff is ready for a great first day tomorrow! See you there!
over 5 years ago, Brad Wehlermann
NCOE Junior High is READY!
over 5 years ago, David Reavis
NCOE Junior High is READY!
Reminder: NCOE Elementary and Junior High will be on a 2 PM dismissal for August 14th, 15th, and 16th.
over 5 years ago, David Reavis
NCOE Elementary Back to School Nights (K-4th grade) August 13, 2019 A great way to meet the teachers and administration. We look forward to seeing you. Kindergarten 5:00 - 5:30pm 1st Grade 5:30 - 6:00pm 2nd Grade 6:00 - 6:30pm 3rd Grade 6:30 - 7:00pm 4th Grade 7:00 - 7:30pm
over 5 years ago, David Reavis
Booth Elementary’s Back to School Night scheduled for August 12th is as follows: 5:30-5:45 Kindergarten 5:45-6:00 First Grade 6:00-6:15 Second Grade 6:15-6:30 Third Grade 6:30-6:45 Fourth Grade 6:45-7:00 5th Grade We are looking forward to seeing you! This is a great time for you and your child to meet with the teachers, learn about classroom procedures and expectations, bring in all recommended supplies, and fill out all required forms. Also, after your scheduled meeting with the teacher, Mrs. Carter would like to meet with you to go over the new district wide website and Smartphone app plus point out a few things in the student handbook. This meeting will be approximately 15 minutes long and will be held in the computer lab. Please call the school if you have any questions. Thanks!
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Carter
First day of student attendance is just around the corner. Students’ first day will be August 14. There will be a 2:00 dismissal on August 14, 15, and 16.
over 5 years ago, Mrs. Carter
Congrats to Natalie Wilson, Madyson Barton, Erin Wicker and Haleigh Poole for being selected to the GEC All Conference Softball Team! Natalie and Madyson were selected to the team with Natalie being selected as Captain! Erin and Haleigh were given Honorable Mention Honors! #CardinalStrong
over 5 years ago, NCOE High School
GEC Softball
Congrats to Brandon Skaggs and Jack Riggs! Brandon was selected as the MVP for GEC All Tournament Baseball Team, and Jack received Honor Mention Honors! #CardinalStrong
over 5 years ago, NCOE High School
GEC Baseball
Graduation Pictures are in for the Class of 2019! You may come by the High School office to pick up your pictures. #CardinalStrong
over 5 years ago, NCOE High School
Today is our last day of Basketball Camp! We hope everyone has a great summer! #CardinalStrong
over 5 years ago, NCOE High School
It's a great day at NCOE!
over 5 years ago, Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD #3
ATTENTION STUDENTS: Yearbook made a video for a contest that is posted on CWCSN Facebook page. If you go to their page you can watch the video and like it to help us win the contest. "Like It" before Monday, April 22nd.
almost 6 years ago, Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD #3
Carmi-White County Student News Logo
Autism Awareness Fact for the Day Autism is more common than childhood cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined. WEAR BLUE WEDNESDAY!! IT IS OUR LAST WEDNESDAY IN APRIL TO WEAR BLUE!!!
almost 6 years ago, Norris City-Omaha-Enfield CUSD #3